Training, Conferencing and Exhibition Space
The ADMC is a groundbreaking facility and one that will make an impression when visited. It will provide flexible training, conferencing, and exhibition space for up to 200 people. It will also have a breakout space and a large informal meeting and networking area adjacent to its entrance.
The ADMC will provide an ideal location for companies wanting to align their brand with the ADMC and to create new strategies, communicate with their colleagues, develop their team members, exhibit their products, sell their services, undertake education conferences, and provide networking events. All of this will take place alongside the backdrop of cutting-edge automation technology.
More details of the opportunities to use of the ADMC will be provided as its construction advances. Should you have any immediate needs, these could be facilitated by our partners Ashfield District Council, West Nottinghamshire College and Nottingham Trent University.
Please contact the ADMC team should you wish to be introduced to any of these partners via